Friday, November 27, 2009

The Douches You Meet in Retail Stores: Black Friday 2009 Edition

As you can see, this won't be WoW related today, mostly because I canceled my account to have money to buy Christmas gifts for my family. I will activate it again after Christmas and hopefully it will be closer to 3.3.

So when you hear Black Friday you think of crazy people waiting outside for hours to buy some expensive electronics for really cheap and possibly getting in fights and killing people. I have participated in more than a few Black Fridays in the past years and I have to say this year was the calmest and not crowded Black Friday I have been to to date. It was so refreshing. I didn't wait in any line for anything except checking out and even those lines were not too long. I bought every present that I planned on buying for every person in my family without any of them being sold out and they were all on sale. I went to 5 different stores around the town then drove to a mall and got a couple gifts from there too. Everywhere I went it almost seemed like a normal day. A few of the stores and the malls were not any more crowded than it would have been on a normal day. I can't stress this enough. It was great.

But that doesn't mean there weren't a few stressers.

1. People that get in the fucking express check out with OBVIOUSLY more fucking items in their cart than indicated by the huge sign. Then the douches justify it by saying that they figured since it was a special day those store rules didn't apply................. (I can't trail that off enough)

2. When people see things on shelves or bins, they feel like they should turn into complete cavemen and throw stuff around when they are going through it and just leave it on the floor or completely out of its original place. Makes finding things so much easier for the next person trying to find something, am I right?

3. I used to work at Best Buy and I actually worked a Black Friday and you know all those people that wait overnight for all the doorbusters? They leave trash and lawn chairs and tents and all kinds of shit outside the store for the employees to clean up. Disrespectful.

4. A specific instance today, Wal Mart had a new strategy for Black Friday (which worked pretty well). They had to change it because of the death. What didn't work well, is that the registers didn't recognize over half of all the items went on sale at midnight so the cashiers had to manually override my items. It could have been a small inconvenience but the cashier had the nerve to tell me that I was the one who was wrong about when the items went on sale WHILE I AM HOLDING THE AD IN MY HAND. Shenanigans.

So I am rambling on now. But today was a good day overall and I got all my shopping done. I hope some of you could be so lucky.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Douches You Meet in Dungeons: Bringing Your "A Game"

Yesterday I had a crazy, and very tiring, day. I was literally falling asleep/just plain asleep at work. My Boss didn't give me shit for it luckily, but because I was too tired to actually work most of the day, I couldn't post a new blog on time. This one, is a situation that I encountered with my girlfriend when we were in a pug run of Heroic UP. She is excited that I am writing about her, so before I start the story, Hi baby! I love you! (Awww how sweet!! *Blush*)

Bringing Your "A Game"

Heroic UP. Pug. As I said. Me on my Hunter. Of course. My girlfriend on her main. Holy Priest. The stage is set. Writing like this is intense.

My girlfriend and I were just running to have a good time and maybe get some badges or something. Both of us, like many players right now, out gear Heroics to the point where they really become "easy mode." Neither of us have "Best In Slot" gear by far, but out gear Heroics. So she is the parties healer, naturally, and has been playing a healer since level 1 on that Priest. We can also say level 10 since that is when you actually get talents, whatever floats your boat. She is a good healer. She cares about the role, always tries to do better than before, and takes her role seriously. Leveling up from 70 - 80 she healed A LOT of dungeons. A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of dungeons. She was good, everyone told her that, and she made a reputation for herself and made a lot of friends through healing the dungeons that still have stuck around to this day.

Back to present day, she is still a good healer. However, given the fact that we were in a 5 man, she was more laid back than she would be healing a raid. Up until this time, we really hadn't ran any 5 mans in a while and had been running raids every time we logged on. Now that I think about it, I think the reason we were running it was because it was the daily, and there is the chance for the mount. Anyway... She was used to healing raids so when she was geared, and back in a 5 man, she was more laid back. She was playing WoW healing the dungeon, while also chatting with a friend on Myspace or AOL instant messenger. Don't remember. So, because of this, the tank got a little low on health a couple times. He flipped out and was like, "WHERE ARE MY HEALS!!" She apologized and said, "Sorry I let you get low. I was reading something. I AM NOT going to let you die. Calm down." It was the truth. She is more than capable, gear and skill wise, to heal a 5 man. However, the tank kept running his mouth. So she kept letting him get low before she healed him. He was pissed because he felt the need to use cooldowns when his health got low, which is what a tank should do, but even after she assured him she wasn't going to let him die, he kept on being a douche. The tank did stop being a douche close to the end of the dungeon. There was a bit of conflict and then everyone let it go and finished the run. The second after we down the last boss, the douchebag starts going off on her again. Calls her out in party chat saying she is a fucking shitty healer and fucking sucks, worst healer ever, blah blah blah. Then whispers her and talks a little more shit and then ignores her. Another example, like last week, of people that try so hard to annoy you and make you feel like shit, possible even making themselves feel better for being a douchebag to someone else. When really, they are a fucking loser taking the game way too seriously.

So this is the question I want to put out there: Should you be bringing your "A" game to a 5 man (or any content you have complete faith you will completely faceroll)?

My opinion is, if you are playing your role on par or better with the way a lesser person (gear or skill wise) would play that role and be competent, you are doing just fine. However, I guess what I should really say is, play your role to whatever standard you want, and if someone has an opinion about it you don't agree with, who fucking cares? As long as you don't feel at fault, or that you have let the group down in some way, which obviously she hadn't (no one died and we made it through the content just fine), just go about enjoying the game while not letting the douchebags get you down.

Friday, November 13, 2009

DPS Questionnaire

I saw this post on and apparently I am behind the curve. Even more behind the curve because Pike at Aspect of the Hare did this questionnaire and my answers probably will not be much different because I agreed with pretty much EVERYTHING said. However, I was thinking today, I should do some kind of "About Me, the Man Behind the Rage" some time in the future. So this will be part one.

DPS questionnaire with my alter ego, "Treos the Troll Hunter."

What is the name, class, and spec of your primary DPS?

Treos, Troll Hunter. Dual spec'd BM PvE and MM PvE.

What is your primary DPSing environment? (i.e. raids, PvP, 5 mans)

PvE content. Whatever I have time for. I am very lucky to be in an amazing guild that raids everyday but is in no way "hardcore." It sounds contradicting but it isn't. More on that one day. Like I said, whatever I have time for. In a somewhat embarresing fact, if I can only hop on WoW for 5 minutes, I will just run my rotation on a boss dummy, even if I haven't gotten an upgrade recently, just to DPS.

What is your favorite DPS spell/ability for your class and why?

I would have to say, BM spec'd, is Bestial Wrath. Figures right? In MM spec, Trueshot Aura. If Trueshot Aura sounds lame... let me explain why. When I first started playing in Vanilla WoW, I was a BM hunter from level 1 - 39, then as soon as I hit 40, I respec'd to MM because Trueshot Aura sounded really awesome (as well as Aimed Shot) and I wanted to feel like I am really powerful just mowing people down. I hadn't played anything but BM until lvl 40 but I never even got to use Bestial Wrath until way later when I respec'd back in my 50's and had I used Bestial Wrath at 40, I probably wouldn't have played MM for A LONG time. BM is amazing.

What DPS spell do you use least for your class and why?

There are a lot of abilities I don't use (or feel like I don't use enough). If I had to pick just one it would be Distracting Shot. When do I want aggro again? In my defense, it does have plenty of uses but it is still rarely used compared to everything else in my spellbook.

What do you feel is the biggest strength of your DPS class and why?

Well, because Hunters are a pure DPS class, I would say DPS is my biggest strength. To elaborate, every Hunter spec has some sort of raid buff, but nothing terribly unique where you NEED a Hunter in your raid. However, you SHOULD always take a Hunter because they are awesome.

What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your DPS class and why?

Being a ranged class with a limited range. Like, not being able to shoot someone because they are too far, then they come too close, and you can't shoot them either. Luckily, the fabled "Dead Zone" was taken out way back when. I also think the fact that we rely on mana is weird.

In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best DPS assignment for you?

Best assignment:
Raid Leader: Treos, your assignment is to stand there and fill the boss with arrows until it falls over.
Treos: Aye, mon.

In a raiding environment, there are all kinds of moving and reaction, but I love being able to sit back and just shoot all my shots without worrying about anything. Not because "it is easier" than say a fun mobility fight like The Safety Dance, but because, I feel like I put a lot of time and knowledge into perfecting a rotation and I enjoy having the opportunity to display that flawlessly without having to worry about the fire.

What DPS class do you enjoy DPSing with most and why?

Using the same interpretation Pike used, I enjoy partying with an enhancement Shaman the most. The Strength of the Earth Totem along with Bloodlust is awesome. I think BM Hunters and Enhance Shamans have a raid buff that overwrites each other though. So maybe a Paladin. Either way, you can see the theme here. Pure DPS classes care about DPS and want everyone to join the party to make them stronger. :)

What DPS class do you enjoy DPSing with least and why?

Any class that doesn't help me do more DPS.
Any class that can out DPS me.
Blood DK's when I am MM spec because I hate having no use for Trueshot Aura and it always being overwritten.

What is your worst habit as a DPS?

As a Hunter DPS specifically, I feel I don't cast Misdirection enough. I beat myself up for not using it more during boss fights, but then I look at OMEN and the tank is so high up on the threat meter it would be a waste to cast. It still bothers me though, I feel like it is in my spellbook for a reason and I should use it every time it is up.

What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while DPSing?

In a PUG environment, everything. People that are so obsessed with DPS meters BUT that don't know how to use them properly. PUG environments have all kinds of special phenomenons that don't happen in a NORMAL environment so let me think of a better answer... Haha... I'm the nerd rager and I have been sitting here for minutes trying to think of a pet peeve of mine while in a group environment. I want to say, "I don't let anything bother me! I just try to have fun!" That would be a complete shit lie. TONS of fucking things bother me. However, most of the things that annoy me are done by players who are stupid in the first place. So I guess I don't have a pet peeve when everyone I'm playing with are not morons. I guess the only thing I can put here is, it bothers me when buffs are overwritten or time isn't taken to evaluate specs of an entire raid to get the best synergy. I know that sounds like a really hardcore or elitist attitude, but I am not trying to sound like that. As an example, two questions back, it is a pet peeve when something I am providing to the party is constantly getting overwritten and so if there is a Blood DK or another MM Hunter in the group, I go BM. The thing that gets under my skin, is no one seems to care or try to ask other people what spec they are so they can do the same. I ALWAYS ask if there is a Blood DK or a MM Hunter in the group for that very reason. Trueshot Aura is awesome, so if I have it, I want to use it!

Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other DPS?

The Beast Mastery spec lags behind the others but not nearly as much in practice as I think people tend to assume it does. Both of the facts in said sentence (that it does lag, and that people overestimate the lag), irritate me to some degree.

As for hunters as a whole, I dunno, all the Recount screenshots I’ve seen of superendgame guilds show hunters as really lagging behind, but that must just be a superendgame thing because hunters destroy the meters in my guild. Like, you’ll have that one crazygood mage, that one crazygood rogue, and that one crazygood feral druid, but everyone else toppin’ the meters? Hunters, hunters, and more hunters. So, I dunno.

*Cough* Sorry, I just had some kind of weird out of body possession experience/deja vu where everything I was about to say exactly was taken from my head and said for me.

Just to reiterate, BM DPS = Viable DPS. A spreadsheet will NEVER tell the whole story. BM DPS is not the best, obviously, but I can't count the times I out DPS'd better geared Hunters of a different spec on a daily basis. I still out DPS better geared people than me to this day. Maybe BM sucks for min/maxing and whatever bullshit you want to call it, but I guess I just play BM like a professional because I MAKE IT viable. I have the screenshots bitches.

What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a DPS?

Recount as a personal tool. Praise as a outside tool. Like, back in BC, I would be in groups and they would say, "Treos, it is so rare to find a Hunter that can trap the way you do. Here, take this free gold for being so fucking awesome."
"Thanks, mon!"

- True Story

DPS is a pretty straightforward role to play I think. I use my utilities like Misdirection and I always try to do more DPS than the time before, because that is my role, that kills the boss, and that gets me loot.

What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your class?

Everyone says Hunters are so easy. Easy for what? Leveling? Possibly, but ALL leveling is easy, and time consuming and not fun lol. If Hunters are somehow "easier" to play than other classes, how could anyone suck with one ever? The truth is, every class is easy to play. WoW is easy to play. Every class is hard to master. WoW is hard to master. You are technically playing the game if you are hitting one button, and if you can send your pet and auto shoot all the way up to 80, take that attitude into a raid and let me know the results. The previous statement could be applied to any class.

What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new DPSers of your class to learn?

Like the last question, different aspects of gameplay are different aspects of gameplay. You are always learning something new. I would say, pet management is difficult in PvE when you first have to learn it, and not just moving them out of the fire but knowing when to dismiss them and what boss fights they are going to die on without a doubt.

What DPS class do you feel you understand least?

Casters. Specifically, Locks and Mages. I have played them a little bit but no fucking clue how to play one decently. Feral druids as well.

What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in DPS?

Recount. It actually is a DPS aid when you know how to read it properly. I use a couple of "Iwin" macros that blow all my cooldowns. Nothing secret, just the standard stuff. All other macro's I use are for convenience. Like my Sting Modifier and Shot Modifier. Without the game in front of me I can't give them exactly but basically one button shoots Serpent Sting, Shift+same button = Viper Sting, Alt+same button = Scorpid Sting. I use the same thing with Aimed Shot and Multishot in MM spec.

On a side note, Aimed Shot and Multishot share a cooldown. Explosive Shot and Arcane Shot share a cooldown. I can't tell you how many MM Hunters told me they don't use Arcane Shot because they think it shares a cooldown with Aimed Shot or Chimera Shot or something. Who knows.

[Your class's preferred basic stat] over other stats or balanced stat allocation, and why?

BM Hunters - Attack Power
MM Hunters - Agility (or Armor Pen. if you are one of those badasses)
SV Hunters - Agility

At least, that is how I have always understood it. Personally, I am thinking about gemming for straight Agility even while I primarily play BM so that when I switch to MM I will have the proper stats.

And... WTF?! It's over... It did take me a while to fill out but I always love Hunter talk...

The Douches You Meet in Dungeons: The Gathering Whore

Profession and gathering use in dungeons can always spark controversy if not handled at the beginning of the run, much like loot rules. In the past, the unspoken rule was, you roll for nodes. Pretty simple.

  • Mining/Herb node is in sight.
  • Someone asks, "Is anyone a miner/herbalist?"
  • Yes? No?
  • If yes, the two usually roll for the node. If no, the person who has, it takes it.
  • In most cases, if another node is somewhere else in the dungeon, the 2 miners/herbalists would take turns until the end.

All is fair.

Skinning is a little trickier because usually multiple mobs throughout a dungeon will be able to be skinned and it gets hard taking turns. Also, this could come up with mining and herbs corpses as that happens too. So what I usually do is when something is able to be skinned, I see if anyone goes to skin it, if not, I do. Now finally, to the story:

Heroic Violet Hold. Pickup group. Of course, this late in the expansion, no one needed the loot just wanted a quick run for badges and to kill some time or whatever. The tank of the run is a Paladin and he is really anal about EVERYTHING. We kill a few mobs and he says, "Hey everyone make sure you loot all this stuff so I can skin it. I don't need the mats for anything but I don't ever use my profession unless I am in a dungeon." I am a skinner and a LW, so guess what fuck nut? I need AND use the mats. I don't say this because it doesn't really matter, not worth starting shit over. So I go to skin something and the guy races me to it. I was thinking to myself, "Ok. No problem. I'll just get the next one." Nope. This guy races to every skin. Even when I would be in the middle of skinning something he would click it. So then, still not trying to start anything, I say to myself, "I will just skin the things I loot. This guy can have every skin in the dungeon except when I go to loot something, I'll take the skin right after it."

You can see where this is going... It is my turn to loot something and the douchebag skins it right out from under me. "QQ Moar," you say? Truth is, it bothered me, but only because I knew the guy was a douche and obviously this level of douchebaggery was going to keep going on. However, I don't get to play that often. So I could confront him, call him out, and tell him he is a fucking dick. But, I was enjoying the rest of the dungeon. It is easy, I was top DPS (over 5k on all the boss fights, not e-peen stroking, it is relevant), and I wanted the emblems. So even though his douchy antics were starting to bother me, I let it go.

Then after we kill the second boss, which happened to be that lava dog, he runs and skins it and gets like 10 Borean Leather. It was fucked up he knew I was a skinner and didn't pass on one fucking skin the entire dungeon, so after the boss was over and we were waiting for the next portal to spawn, I said, "Man, you are a skinning whore." Everyone says "lol" and doesn't think much of it. Then the Paladin is like, "fuck you," and kicks me from the group. So as I am waiting for the countdown to be taken out of the dungeon, I was like, "Really? You kick the top dps in the group and would rather 4 man it because you can't share a fucking skin? You are a little bitch." Then some other random asshat says, "bullshit, you aren't top DPS," and links me the dps meter. I think I was like number 2. What did they link? Overall DPS for the entire dungeon. So then I said, "What a fucking noob, I was talking about boss dps, the only fucking dps that matters." The only person close to me in DPS during the bosses was putting out about 4k and I was doing over 5, while the other dps was doing like 2k. The only reason I was low on the overall meter was because I had a few of friends over so I was halfass playing (<--- spoiler: next weeks story) until it got to the boss fights because that is the most fun. So then I get teleported out.

I get up from the computer, literally, laughing out loud. I could have nerd raged, but for what? This group was a handful of douches. I got on WoW to have a good time, and I did. Because for me, fun is unleashing my DPS on a boss and being at the top of a meter most of the time. Not because I feel like it makes me better than anyone under me, but because it proves I know how to play my class and I get to compete with myself always trying to put out 4 higher numbers than the time before. Maybe even a 5 digit number one day. ;)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Friday Posts!

I am going to start a column Friday titled:

"The Douches You Meet in Dungeons"

Such an [EPIC] title. Agree?

One of the reasons I started my blog was to tell specific stories of the douchebaggery of WoW players (or people in general) and how I got to be the nerd rager I am today.

Check back tomorrow!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Virtual Asses

Original title of this blog was too long so here it is:

"The very ridiculous reason an overwhelming number of male gamers give when asked why they create/play girl characters in video games, or more specifically, RPGs"


Maybe you aren't following me so far and are thinking to yourself, "Yeah that sounds like a valid reason... Hey wait! WTF! I play a guy character! Am I secretly GAY?! HAVE I BEEN STARING AT A GUYS ASS THE WHOLE TIME I HAVE BEEN PLAYING WOW?! I LOVE PLAYING WOW! DOES THAT MEAN I LOVE STARING AT GUYS ASSES?!"

Yeah. You are probably thinking that. Because you probably are gay and just realized it. Just embrace it. However, if you are thinking you reached that conclusion in error, I am about to show you a test that can settle this.

1. Do you have a girlfriend? If yes, proceed to question 2. If no, proceed to question 1a.

1a. If you were given the choice of staring at a hot girls ass all day, or Justin Timberlake's ass all day, which would you pick? If you chose a hot girls ass, you MOST LIKELY are not gay. If you chose Justin Timberlake's ass... there is a pretty good chance you are gay. If you chose none of the above, maybe you are the Lance Bass type. Or maybe you prefer one of the gay guys from" Will and Grace." Look, I don't know how you roll. But the basic principal stands.

2. If someone gave you the choice of staring at a picture of her ass all day, or your own ass all day, which would you pick? If you would choose her ass, you MOST LIKELY are not gay. If you chose your own ass, that is really weird and a whole different issue to tackle. If you chose your own ass go back to question 1a and try to see if you get a better answer.

What does any of that shenanigans have to do with WoW? For starters, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. You know why? BECAUSE LOOKING AT A REAL ASS IN REAL LIFE IS DIFFERENT THAN LOOKING AT A VIRTUAL ASS. Look morons, your sexuality does not depend on which PIXELATED ASS YOU WOULD RATHER LOOK AT IN A FUCKING VIDEO GAME. No one is going to judge you. I promise. No one is going to say, "Dude, you are playing RE5 staring at Chris Redfield's new tone body and hot ass compared to how they made him look in the original Resident Evil, instead of playing Tomb Raider? YOU ARE SO GAYYYY!!!!!" If that EVER did happen to you, obviously someone is trying to hide there own sexual identity crisis by only playing female characters in video games.

While we are on the subject of Chris Redfield though, you want to know what I thought when I got RE5? "DAMN! Chris Redfield HIT THE FUCKING GYM SON! Look at that BEAST! I bet he is going to be punching fucking African zombies in the fucking face to death, like in that movie with Vin Diesel, when he punches that guy to death that killed his wife!"

Similarly, when I play my main in WoW, "DAMN! Treos is a fucking BEAST! A FUCKING BEAST MASTER! Putting out over 5k DPS with his bad ass big red wolf fucking shit up!"

Now, to hit another point I haven't mentioned yet regarding why the original reason for playing a girl character is fucking idiotic, WHO THE FUCK IS STARING AT AN ASS WHILE THEY ARE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE?! Seriously, I will add a diagram of every third person video game I can think of and this is how they work:

Can anyone give me a good fucking reason why you would be looking at someones ass instead of in front of you, who you are fighting, or whatever the fuck you are doing?

(Now I get if you are a Druid in WoW, and your ass takes up 75% of the screen in bear form... I'm sorry. Start playing from a bird's eye view I guess or I can't help you.)

If you think I am making all of this up, I have a few good posts that will provide much enjoyment if you share the same take I do on this insane reason guys make girl characters.

Chinese MMO company thinks you are either a closet homosexual for playing a girl character, OR, that you some how take too much pleasure in staring at a girls avatar's virtual ass or something.


"What I find interesting is: "The reason for the bans is that they firmly believe that you are a homosexual if you do, or that you like to watch your female avatar from behind"

So they complain that you're gay because you play a female character, but then they also complain that (being straight) you like to watch the avatar from behind? Wtf do they want?

With that logic, are people who play beasts/animals in games not allowed to play them because they're may be into beastiality?!?! :O

What a load of s**t..."


Some total moron named "washu"
"shouldn't it be the other way round?... if you like to stare at a guys butt or hear his voice all day, then you are gay, nothing homo just because you like to watch girls..
(10 female toons)... would never make a male!"

^^^ As you can see here, DEFINITELY something wrong with that person.

MMO-Champion, Topic: "Guys, why did you roll a female toon?" HILARIOUS 39 page post. No I didn't make it through all 39.


Quote from: Specops on November 01, 2009, 09:34:13 pm
I'd rather be looking at the ass of my female toons rather than that of a male toon... If I'm going to be playing something, why would I want to look at a guy?

Your char is the online representation of you.
Would you get a sex change IRL so you don't have to look at a guy when you see a mirror?

when im nearing bis gear on every content patch i usually tend to look at my good geared char and think "yes i really like this char of mine".
i dont want to say or think this line towards a male char because it would feel a little gay :>

its not gay to think your char looks awesome or cool. only if you think its hot, then we have a problem."

Post from, it is about half down the post, someone asks is it weird to play a girl character if they look better in dresses or some BS like that.

"Pro Tip for question #2: people who are secure in their own gender and sexuality don't generally give a shit about something as trivial as what character you play in a video game. People who give you grief are not worth your time."

The comments on all three of those articles/posts I can guarantee you will see more than one person in all of them use what I am now coining, "The Ass Defense."

You know why it is a "defense?" Because there seriously has to be some other reason they are playing a girl character, it REALLY cannot be the ass thing, but I think they are trying to hide the true meaning. Whatever that meaning may be.

Something else I found funny in the comments justifying why they prefer girl characters to guys, a lot of people were saying, "I think the girl animations look better than the guys." I guess that is understandable, but can you tell me how you would know that? Obviously you had to make a guy character at one time to know you prefer the girls animations. So were you staring at a guys ass the whole time until you made the girl character? Also, how would you have seen the girls animations in the first place to know they are better than a guys? Did you youtube it somehow? Or did you watch someone else's girl character in you dungeon group? Which brings us back to square one. They were staring at a girls ass in the first place to figure that out. So in all actuality, the "Animation Defense" is covering up for the "Ass Defense" which is covering up for whatever other reason you have for playing a girl character.

To sum it up, no, I don't play any girl characters. Not for any specific reason of any importance. I feel like, I am a guy, so I create a guy. Big deal. I also, don't have a problem with a guy playing a girl character. It is a video game, do whatever the hell you want. Just please, tell the truth and don't use some lame ass excuse about asses. However, if the ass thing really is your reason, evaluate your sexuality before you log back on.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Raging so hardcore right now that I am posting a new blog just to say my next blog will be about staring at pixel asses.




I wish I could channel all these thoughts right now and hunt people down like this:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Possibly the most amazing graphical bug ever...

Yes. That is an Undead Paladin you see. Oxymoron? Probably. Freakin' sweet? Most definitely.

So it was reported on by who said that they had been "sitting on this one for a few days now." (Perverts) Now, they are drawing mass attention to what could be the coolest and funnest bug ever.

This youtube video shows how to do it.

The only correction as noted by is that you click and then press enter. It isn't simultaneous or the other way around (as shown in the video).

I have personally seen the Tauren Rogue and the stealth animation and it is awesome.

Note: If you shapeshift as a druid and possibly a warlock, you lose the race change. I don't know if this works with Halloween wands or other shape changing buff foods/drinks but most likely.

Also, there is a trick to making the gear look differently as well. The character you want to look like, we will call B, and the character you want to be logged in on we will call A.

1. Log into character A, take their gear off, then log out.
2. Highlight character B, and do the login trick.

If you have done it right the gear and possibly race (if they 2 were different races) will be changed when you log in. The only downside is that when you equip your gear to go raid/pvp/quest it will overwrite the other characters gear model. It looks really cool though if you want to be a plate wearing Mage casting a blizzard. Screenshot worthy. I can't wait to make my Troll Mage decked out in the Death Knight starting gear.

Enjoy your fun before it gets patched out.